My Trikes Trice Mini (green) Awaiting my total hip replacement, this is the most comfortable trike for me. The lowest seat height/bottom bracket height difference allows me less then 90 degree flex in my hip joint while also protecting my knees. The extra braze-ons in the front make for a low and most efficient placement of the head light with little interference of the light beam from my shoes. Best seat. Best climber. Least stable on the descent. Catrike Speed (yellow) Highest bottom bracket. Most hip flex. Most versatile climber with the SRAM 3 speed hub and 11-32 cassette. Very stable. Catrike 700 (orange) Most comfortable and stable on the descent. Best looking. Catrike Expedition ( purple with the rear panniers ) Lower bottom bracket than the other Catrikes. 650 rear wheel with dual drive, should be OK for nearly all the steep climbs in California.